Thursday, November 12, 2015

Chapter 4

Teaching Goals, Methods, and Procedures (How to Teach): this section talked about different tools you can use to teach classes or create assignments for your students. I thought all the tools and sources are great or teachers and students. There was so many tools on the list that I never thought to use before as a future teacher I see myself using these tools. Student Learning Objects: I liked this section because it explained learning objectives in a simple and clear way. It makes it easy to understand and it makes it easy to explain to students. Student Performance Rubrics: This section was helpful on how to grade your students work as well as how to determine if the assignment is to the standards or not. It made me think of things to look for when grading that I wouldn’t have thought of before.
Resources: Maloy, R. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon
 Tagxedo by Taylor Hardel

1 comment:

  1. Like the Tagxedo! :) You need to put more depth and detail into your reflections for full credit...for example in the last sentence regarding rubrics you indicate there were things that you learned to look for when grading - what things? why might they be important? how can you possibly use them in grading in the future? etc - Please expand upon your thoughts.
